Make Sure Your Car Is Safe After Lockdown 3 - Book Your MOT Now
MOT extension period in its final days with all July 2020 renewals due a test at the end of Jan 2021.
January 25, 2021

Last year when the first national lockdown took place, a 6-month government extension on MOT certification was automatically added to any vehicle that was due an MOT renewal after 31st March 2020. Although the scheme was set to be in place for 12 months (to cover any vehicle due for an MOT until 31st March 2021), it was soon cancelled on 1st August 2020 when Covid-19 lockdown restrictions were eased and more non-essential travel became possible.
With more cars now on the road, it was also deemed seriously unsafe for drivers to be driving vehicles which hadn’t been tested within their advised renewal period.
As a result, the extension only covered vehicles that were due a renewal between 31st March to 31st July 2020, making 31st January 2021 the final date that the scheme is valid until.
Your vehicle’s MOT was due to expire on 31 July 2020.
This will automatically be extended to 31 January 2021. You will need to get your MOT by this date.
Any vehicle due an MOT renewal on/after 1st August 2020 should by law have been tested and should now hold a valid MOT certificate.
Many people decided to renew their MOT certificate as soon as it was safe to do so again, meaning they got their vehicle tested earlier than their new extension due date.
If you were part of the thousands of people who were due an MOT test during July and as a result chose to delay your MOT renewal until the end of your extension, you can now book in for your renewal at your local Sandicliffe garage. Simply follow the link below to book your MOT online.
Please remember it is illegal to drive without a valid MOT certificate confirming your vehicle is roadworthy and safe to drive. Failure to provide a valid MOT certificate could lead to a £2,500 fine and 3 points on your driver’s licence.
Yes - you can book your vehicle in for an MOT test \'one month minus one day\' before your expiry date and keep the same date for next year. This would effectively mean your new MOT certificate would be valid for 13 months.
If your MOT is due to run on 28th February 2021, you can get an MOT on 29th January 2021 and keep 28th February as your renewal date for 2022.
Due to the government extension period ending this month, we have experienced a huge surge in appointments and bookings.
We advise drivers to book well in advance and avoid the risk of MOT slots filling up and/or the required parts not being in stock due to demand.
As an MOT certificate is a legal requirement to drive, it is perfectly acceptable to drive to your nearest MOT centre to get your vehicle tested. All MOT centres around the country are open as they are classified as an essential business.
You cannot drive or park your vehicle on the road if your MOT has run out. You can be prosecuted if caught.
The only exceptions are to drive it:
1. to or from somewhere to be repaired
2. to a pre-arranged MOT test
If your MOT has already run out, consider the following:
1. If your tax is due to run out, register your vehicle as ‘off the road’ - you cannot renew your vehicle tax if your MOT has expired.
2. Book an MOT test.
3. Tax your vehicle once it has passed its MOT.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many cars have been parked on drives, inactive, for months on end.
During the first national lockdown we wrote a guide on how you can take care of your car whilst it’s not in use. Some of the points listed in the guide were things that would normally be tested and prevented during an MOT.
For example, we talked about how to avoid your brake pads getting jammed or stuck to the discs or drums as well as assessing your tyre pressure to make sure they are properly inflated to help prevent flat spots and sidewall cracking.
Flat spots can appear on your tyres after just a week of being parked without movement, so imagine what a month or two could do, and in this weather!
It is absolutely essential to get your brakes, tyres and general mechanics tested, replaced or repaired before hitting the road again.
Keep yourself and other road users safe by getting on top of vehicle maintenance. Book your MOT or service today and avoid any risk.