How To Recycle Your Electric Car Battery

Get all the information you need to recycle your EV car batteries responsibly - and find out how they are used afterwards.

So far 2015 has been the year of the Electric car (or EV). Electric vehicle sales have boomed this year with a staggering 300% increase in January compared to the same time last year. Sales are predicted to increase further in years to come, as it’s estimated that by 2020, 7% of global transport will be run by EVs. Of course with more electric vehicles on the road, there’s more demand for recycling systems to deal with end-of-life batteries.

Although research and planning is still going on to make EV battery recycling more efficient and safe, there are a few sound options available to you.

As the original manufacturer, Nissan are well-placed to responsibly recycle your 12 volt EV batteries when you are buying new replacement ones. Nissan are now a big player in the lithium-ion technology arena and have their own ‘Green Programmes’ in place to champion innovative, economical car design.

You can find these centres across the UK. They will collect over 40 different household materials - including electric car batteries – for recycling at their specialist sites. 68% of all items taken can be recycled. The recycling centres are also open 7 days a week (excluding Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years’ Day), making it a convenient option whenever you need it.

Many local authorities offer free advice on battery collection points in the local area, and some offer their own battery collection schemes so you don’t have to go out of your way. For example, some councils offer ‘Green Box’ home collection services on a weekly basis. Contact your local authority for further details.

By visiting you can find the 2015 updated list of end of life vehicle treatment facilities. Of course these are authorised by the government and will have responsible recycling facilities in place to deal with electric vehicle batteries.

By finding a government licensed metal recycling site, you will be assured of the professional treatment and recycling of your old EV batteries.

If you are still unsure of how to find the right centre or dealer for handling your electric car batteries, visit It’s as simple as entering your postcode followed by the type of item you want to recycle, and the website will find the most reputable sites nearby.

It’s also crucial to remember that as of 1st January 2010, disposal of automotive batteries by landfill or by incineration was made illegal. There really is no excuse for not recycling your old EV batteries, seeing as the popular lithium-ion variation is 99% recyclable.

At the moment, old EV batteries can be taken by the manufacturer, who repairs the battery by replacing defective modules and stocks it as a remanufactured part. According to a report by Recycling international last year, around 85% of electric car batteries in the future should be suitable for ‘post-vehicle use’, although the remaining 15% could be too damaged to re-use.

In the future, it’s also predicted that EV batteries could be recycled and sold on for secondary uses. For example, the battery could be combined with photovoltaic solar panels to provide solar power to homes. This won’t be happening just yet, but it’s a promising business concept for making returns on electric car batteries – which are currently not very profitable at end-of-life stage.

So buying an electric car really is the smartest choice for reducing your carbon footprint and supporting economical manufacturing – right down to the battery. At Sandicliffe you can get great quotes on the Nissan Leaf and Nissan e-NV200.

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